We had passed by Reptilia many times before but have not had the chance to go. One weekend, we decided to check it out. I couldn’t find in their website anything about having a place to eat so we came in after lunch. Good thing we ate already since they only had a vending machine of chips and pop. We wouldn’t have lasted the afternoon on just that.
Green mamba |
monitor lizard |
Alligator snapping turtle |
A few minutes into looking at various reptiles, it was announced that there was a show. We headed to the theatre and learned a lot of interesting facts about 3 animals that they brought out for the show. After talking about the creature, the zoo keeper went around and let the audience touch it. We got to pet a python, a Taiwanese beauty snake, and a rattlesnake. We managed to catch two more shows and got to pet several more reptiles. DD#1 even volunteered to hold one end of a 20-ft long snake skin. She was ecstatic at having been chosen.
Taiwanese beauty snake--called such as they have three different patterns on their skin |
We also saw a couple of feedings—alligators and blood pythons. Both were fed dead mice—dead because the keepers want to ensure that the reptiles do not get hurt by the prey. After all, who wouldn’t fight to avoid becoming someone’s dinner? We were told that these were farmed and frozen. The mice were also heated for the heat-sensing pythons. I didn’t ask if it was through microwave. Ewww. Anyway, it was interesting to see them feed live. Not quite unexpected as this is something you might watch in a National Geographic show, but still a different sight to see. The alligator feedings provide more opportunity to see as the tanks are bigger. Other reptiles, however, have smaller tanks so when it gets really crowded, it is quite difficult to get a peek. Once every few months they feed the reticulated pythons a whole goat. And while that will take hours, it would surely have been amazing to watch. I believe they keep their FB page updated for when these feedings are scheduled.

Alligator feeding |
Blood python eating a mouse |
All in all, it was a good learning experience for kids and adults alike. It also made us less squeamish about touching the snakes. They felt smooth and cool, not slimy at all! I would rather not recall their meals, though.
Reticulated Python |
If you want to watch about two shows and a couple of feedings, I recommend you alot about 2-3 hours for this excursion. There is a small play area with a sandbox, some books and toys if you’ve already seen all the exhibits and are just waiting for the show/feeding.
Anaconda |
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